
The study object gives access to several methods and can be used only in Project script.

1. Properties

Name Return Description
Inputs array of string Access to an item [i] in Project script’s Inputs
Outputs array of string Access to an item [i] in Project script’s Outputs
getDirectory() string Get the current study directory
createMetal() metal Create an empty MetaL object
getMetal() metal Access to current MetaL object of the study
getSolution() solution Access to current Solution object of the study
getMaterialLibraryModel() MaterialLibraryModel Access to a material library by its name (without .materials)
createMaterialLibraryModel() MaterialLibraryModel Create a material library by a name (without .materials)
showInformation() - Add 2 strings into the description of a study (one for column 1 and one form column 2)
getScriptDirectory() string Return the current script directory
createVariableWindow() createVariableWindow Return an empty window

See metal for more information.

See solution for more information.

See libraries for more information about materialLibraryModel.

2. Examples

2.1 Inputs/Outputs

Imagine a brick (script) composed of an EDIT control (user can write something) and a TEXT control (text link from another brick).

We want that when clicking on Run button, the script returns as result the combination of the EDIT and the TEXT :


# Python script    
study.Outputs[0] = study.Inputs[0] + " " + study.Inputs[1]

2.2 getDirectory()

Imagine user wants to save content in a text file in the current study directory :

# Python script   
dir = study.getDirectory()
filename = os.path.join(dir, "info.txt")
with open(filename,'w') as f:

2.3 createMetal()

The metal object contains the whole definition of a piping : (geometry, loads, code and edition…).

Imagine user wants to create an empty model for the current study :

REM : a model contains default values but must have at least one layer

REM : the model of the study must be named “conception.metaL”

# Python script
from Cwantic.MetaPiping.Core import Layer

metal = study.createMetal()

layer = Layer("0")
metal.Layers.Add(layer) # Attention ! metal.Layers is a C# list. Use Add instead of append

dir = study.getDirectory()
filename = os.path.join(dir, "conception.metaL")


See metal for more information.

2.4 getMetal()

Imagine user wants to check if the 3D model exists (result as a text in Outputs[0]).

# Python script
metal = study.getMetal()
if metal != None:
    study.Outputs[0] = "The model exists"
    study.Outputs[0] = "The model doesn't exist"

See metal for more information.

2.5 getSolution()

The solution object contains all results after calculation.

Imagine user wants to check if the solution exists (result as a text in Outputs[0]).

# Python script
solution = study.getSolution()
if solution != None:
    study.Outputs[0] = "The solution exists"
    study.Outputs[0] = "The solution doesn't exist"

See solution for more information.

2.6 getMaterialLibraryModel()

Return a MaterialLibraryModel based on a name (without extension).

Return None if the library doesn’t exist.

See libraries for more information about materialLibraryModel with an example.

2.7 createMaterialLibraryModel()

You can create your own library of material based on a name (without extension).

Return a new empty MaterialLibraryModel or None if already exists.

See libraries for more information about materialLibraryModel with an example.

2.8 showInformation()

This method is only accessible in scripts that show informations about the MetaL and the results of the current study in Explorer.

metal = study.getMetal()
if metal != None:
    study.showInformation('Model exists !', '') 

See an example here : Show informations about a study.

2.9 getScriptDirectory()

Returns the current script directory.

# Python script
scriptdirectory = design.getScriptDirectory()

2.10 createVariableWindow()

createVariableWindow() returns an empty window that will show user’s variables.

# Python script
window = design.createVariableWindow()

Window components :

Method Params Description
AddComment string Add a comment (text)
AddValue string, string, double Add a numeric variable (variable name, text, default value)
AddImage string Add an image (local filename)
AddList string, string, [string], int Add a variable list of texts (variable name, text, array of texts, default index)
AddCheck string, string, bool Add a variable checkbox (variable name, text, default value)
ShowModal bool Show the window and return true if click on OK button
GetValue string Return a numerical value (variable name)
# Python script
directory = design.getScriptDirectory()

window = design.createVariableWindow()
window.AddComment("Fill the variables")
window.AddValue("L", "L =", 10)
window.AddList("CHOICE", "Choice =", ["Choice A", "Choice B", "Choice C"], 1)
window.AddCheck("ACTIVE", "Active ?", True)
window.AddImage(os.path.join(directory, "image.jpg"))
if window.ShowModal():
    val1 = window.GetValue("L")
    CHOICE_ID = window.GetValue("CHOICE")
    # CHOICE_ID = 0, 1 or 2
    val2 = 0
    if CHOICEID == 1:
        val2 = 0.5
        if CHOICE == 2:
            val2 = 3
    ACTIVE_ID = window.GetValue("ACTIVE")
    # ACTIVE_ID = 0 (False) or 1 (True)
    val3 = ACTIVE_ID == 1

In this example, we have 3 variables (L, CHOICE, ACTIVE), 1 comment and 1 image. We suppose image.jpg existing in the script directory next to

L will show the default value of 10

CHOICE will show the default value of “Choice B” (index 1)

ACTIVE will be checked by default

After window show :

val1 will receive the user value for L

val2 will receive the user value for CHOICE transformed to a real value (0, 0.5 or 3)

val3 will receive the user value for ACTIVE transformed to bool