Create structurals

A structural is an element which is modeled as a straight pipe but which does not contain any fluid and is not counted as part of a tee connection.

When you click on the Add structural button without selection, the left panel shows a message :

Select 1 node


The selection mode is automatically set to POINT. You can so directly select a node.

1. Create a structural

  • Select the current section/material in the specification box.
  • Select a node.
  • Click the Add structural button.



Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Length m ft
Mass ton kips
Thickness factor - -

The length must be defined by the orientation tool.


You can define the X-axis vector by defining Xx, Xy, Xz in global coordinates.

Label :

You can define a label to this element. The labels are shown with the node names view button.


You can then define the second point of the structural thanks to the Orientation tool.

Click here for more information about the orientation tool.

Create the structural :


2. Modify/Remove a structural

Change the Selection mode to ELEMENT and select a structural :


You can change the properties of the selected structural (except the length).


You can change the specification and section/material of the structural.

Click on the Modify button to change the selected structural with these new properties.

You can undo this command.

Click on the Remove button to delete the selected structural.

You can undo this command.

3. Insert a structural on an intermediate node

Click on the Add structural button and select an intermediate node between 2 elements.


Fill the properties (see §1) and select the insertion mode :

  • Shift forward
  • Shift backwards
  • Reduce the next element
  • Reduce the previous element
  • Symmetrically reduce the neighboring elements

ATTENTION, if the length is null, no mode will be proposed (empty list)

Based on the length of the structural and the lengths of the neighboring elements, some mode could be hidden.

Select for example “Reduce the previous element” and click the Insert button :


You can undo this command.