
1. Section

Section is the base class for all sections.


Name Return Description
Name String Material name
A float Cross-sectional area
Ax float Shear area in local X’ axis
Ay float Shear area in local Y’ axis
Ix float Inertia aroud local X’ axis
Iy float Inertia aroud local Y’ axis
It float Torsional inertia
LinearMass float Linear mass
Description string Description

2. PipeSection

PipeSection inherits from Section. Every PipeSection object has the properties of Section.

PipeSection represents circular hollow pipe sections.


Name Return Description
Diameter float Diameter
Thickness float Thickness
InsulationThickness float Insulation thickness
Corrosion float Corrosion allowance
Erosion float Erosion allowance

3. BeamSection

BeamSection inherits from Section.

BeamSection represents beam sections.


Name Return Description
Type BeamSectionType Type of section
InputProperties bool True if section properties are input by the user, otherwise the properties are calculated from the section geometry
H float Height
B float Width
Tw float Web thickness
Tf float Flange thickness

The type BeamSectionType is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
NonStandard Non-standard section. The properties must be input
I Double tee
Channel Channel
Rect Rectangular
Tee Tee
EqualAngle Equal angle. H is the side length, Tf is the thickness
UnequalAngle Unequal angle. H and B are the side lengths, Tf is the thickness
Round Round. H is the diameter, Tf is the thickness
Plate Plate. H and B are used