Beam sections

In this section, beam section can be created.

A section is a JSON file with a name, a type, units and a list of geometrical properties.


1. Organisation

On the left panel, you can create folders, sub-folders and sections.

The - button is used both for removing folders and sections.

You can also import sections from BEAMSTRESS.

You can drag a file/folder on another folder.

To know the UNIT of a property, just let the mouse over the property name. 
For example : cm^2 for the Area A

2. Section

The type can be :

  • Non standard
  • I
  • Channel
  • Rect
  • Tee
  • Equal angle
  • Unequal angle
  • Round
  • Plate

The preview image of the section and the properties vary with the type.

Properties :

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
Fabrication Hot rolled, cold rolled or welded - -
h Height mm in
b Basis mm in
tw Web thickness mm in
tf Flange thickness mm in
t Thickness mm in
y0 Shear center Y mm in
x0 Shear center X mm in
A Area cm² in²
Ax Reduced area X cm² in²
Ay Reduced area Y cm² in²
It Torsional inertia cm^4 in^4
Ix Bending inertia X cm^4 in^4
Iy Bending inertia Y cm^4 in^4
Wy Shear resistance Y cm² in²
Wx Shear resistance X cm² in²
Wt Torsion module cm^3 in^3
WEly Elastic module Y cm^3 in^3
WElx Elastic module X cm^3 in^3
WPLy Plastic module Y cm^3 in^3
WPLx Plastic module X cm^3 in^3
Iw Warping inertia cm^6 in^6

Press the Image button for an automatic calculation of the ares and inertias.