
In this section, spectra can be created.

A spectrum is a JSON file with a name, a displacement max, a directional type and a list of dampings.


1. Organisation

On the left panel, you can create folders, sub-folders and spectra.

The - button is used both for removing folders and spectra.

A folder can be a site, a phase, a location or a floor for several spectrum files.

You can also drag a file/folder on another folder.

2. Spectrum

A spectrum defines the curves frequency/acceleration for different directions. And that for several dampings.

An informative dispacement max can be entered :

Properties Unit Metric Unit USA
Dx, Dy, Dz mm in

The type that defines the curves can be :

Property Nb curves Note
X + Y + Z 3 One curve by direction
X + YZ 2 One curve for X and one curve for both Y and Z
Y + XZ 2 One curve for Y and one curve for both X and Z
Z + XY 2 One curve for Z and one curve for both X and Y
XYZ 1 One curve for all directions

Based on this type, 1, 2 or 3 tables must be filled.

Click the + button (next to Dampings) to add a damping value (%) and a label :


Fill the tables by adding rows for the pair frequency/acceleration.

Property Unit
Frequency Hz
Acceleration G’s

ATTENTION, the frequencies must be filled in ascending order

Each table can have its own number of rows

You can also verify the tables of a damping by clicking on the last button next to Value % :
