Structure analysis

1. Data panel

After analysis, a right panel can be opened by clicking on the top button (1). It presents the selected results :


Shortcut to open the data panel = F2.

2. Results

Click on the RUN button :


After a few seconds, the results of the analysis are shown. This panel will appear :


Select a case and the type of results :

  • Displacements
  • Forces and moments
  • Reactions
  • Stresses
  • Anchor plates
  • Joints

2.1 Load cases

The combobox shows all calculated load cases :


The loadings can be defined here.

The Modes are generated if the Extract modes is checked in the Model options screen :


Click here to have more information about the model options.

2.2 Displacements

  1. Select the Displacement button
  2. Open the right Data panel
  3. Select a node
  4. The results are highlighted


Shortcut to open the data panel = F2.

The Data panel shows the global displacements for each node.

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
Node name Text or number - -
DX X global displacement mm in
DY Y global displacement mm in
DZ Z global displacement mm in
RX X global rotation Rad Rad
RY Y global rotation Rad Rad
RZ Z global rotation Rad Rad
D global absolute displacement mm in
R global absolute rotation Rad Rad

The Selection mode is automatically set to POINT.

You can amplify the displacement by changing the factor cursor.


  1. Click on a Column header to sort the results in ascending or descending order
  2. Select a row
  3. The node is highlighted


TIP : you can copy the data by CTRL+C and paste in other software.

2.3 Forces and moments

  1. Select the Force button
  2. Click on a column of the Data panel to sort the data
  3. Select a row
  4. The corresponding element is highlighted


Shortcut to open the data panel = F2.

The Data panel shows the forces and moments for the 2 extremities of each element.

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
Element Type - -
Node Node name of the extremity - -
F1 Force 1 N lb
F2 Force 2 N lb
N Normal force N lb
M1 Moment 1 N.m lb.ft
M2 Moment 2 N.m lb.ft
T Torsion N.m lb.ft
F Absolute force N lb
M Absolute moment N.m lb.ft

The Selection mode is automatically set to ELEMENT.

2.4 Reactions

  1. Select the Reaction button
  2. Select a row on the data panel
  3. The corresponding restraint is highlighted


Or select directly a restraint to highlight the corresponding row.

Shortcut to open the data panel = F2.

The Data panel shows the forces and moments (reactions) for each node.

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
Node Node name - -
FX X component of the reaction force N lb
FY Y component of the reaction force N lb
FZ Z component of the reaction force N lb
MX X component of the reaction moment N.m lb.ft
MY Y component of the reaction moment N.m lb.ft
MZ Z component of the reaction moment N.m lb.ft
F Absolute reaction force N lb
M Absolute reaction moment N.m lb.ft

The forces are represented by a simple arrow.

The moments are represented by a double arrow.

The Selection mode is automatically set to RESTRAINT.

2.5 Stresses

  1. Select the Stress button
  2. Select the result type
  3. Click on a column of the Data panel to sort the desired data
  4. Select a row
  5. The corresponding element is highlighted


The results are code dependent. The third column shows the stress ratio, defined as the calculated stress divided by the allowable stress.

The stresses are shown at each extremity of the elements. The maximum stresses of both extremities may be displayed instead by checking “Show max element stress” :



The Selection mode is automatically set to ELEMENT.

2.6 Anchor plates

  1. Select the Anchor plate button
  2. Click on a column of the Data panel to sort the desired data
  3. Select a row
  4. The corresponding anchor is highlighted


Or select directly an anchor to highlight the corresponding row.

The results are code dependent. The plates are verified according to the structure code (RCC-M, ASME, etc.) and the fasteners according to the anchor code (only EN-1992-4 in the current software version).

Plates are only checked for regular configurations with 2 or 4 fasteners in the current version of MetaStructure.

The ratios output in Data panel are the calculated values (stress or force) divided by the allowable ones :

Property Description
Restraint Type of restraint
Node Node name
Ratio max Envelope of plate stress ratio and fastener ratios
Ratio max plate Plate stress ratio
Ratio max fast. Maximum ratio for the fasteners
Ratio Ns Ratio of steel failure in tension
Ratio Nc Ratio of concrete cone failure
Ratio Np Ratio of pull-out failure
Ratio Npc Ratio of combined pull-out and concrete failure (bonded fasteners)
Ratio Nsp Ratio of failure by splitting
Ratio Ncb Ratio of failure in tension by blow-out at the edge of the slab (cast-in fasteners only)
Ratio Vs Ratio of steel failure in shear
Ratio NVs Ratio of steel failure in combined tension and shear
Ratio Vcp Ratio of concrete failure by pry-out effect
Ratio Vc Ratio of failure in shear at the edge of the slab
Ratio NcMax Max concrete ratio in tension
Ratio VcMax Max concrete ratio in shear
Ratio NVc Ratio of concrete failure in combined tension and shear
Error Error number

The error numbers are listed below :

Error number Description
0 No error
-1 Non regular arrangement, no check is carried out
2 Insufficient concrete thickness
3 Insufficient edge distance
4 Insufficient anchor spacing
5 Insufficient edge distance for selected spacing
6 Insufficient edge distance c1 in the case of mounting with lever arm
7 Insufficient edge distance c1 in case t ≥ 0.25 hef
9 Spacing must be > 4 dnom for slab edge failure

The Selection mode is automatically set to RESTRAINT.

2.7 Bolted and welded joints

  1. Select the Joint button
  2. Click on a column of the Data panel to sort the desired data
  3. Select a row
  4. The corresponding beam is highlighted


Or select directly a beam to highlight the corresponding row.

The results are code dependent. The ratios output in Data panel are the calculated values (stress or force) divided by the allowable ones :

Property Description
Element Type of element
Node Node of the element where the joint is located
Ratio max Max ratio of the welds or the bolts
Ratio weld Ratio of the welds (0 if bolted joint)
Ratio lam. tear. Ratio for lamellar tearing on the base metal (0 if bolted joint)
Ratio bolt tens. Ratio of the bolts in tension
Ratio bolt shear. Ratio of the bolts in shear
Ratio bolt comb. Ratio of the bolts in combined tension and shear
Ratio bearing Ratio of the bearing stress

The Selection mode is automatically set to ELEMENT.