Piping review

1. Ribbon menu


2. Data panel

A right panel can be opened by clicking on the top button. It presents the selected data :



Click on the same button to hide the panel. Shortcut = F2.

TIP : you can copy the data by CTRL+C and paste in other software.

3. Select tool

Click on the Select button to open the Selection tool :


Click here for more information about the selection tool.

4. Measure tool

MetaPiping lets you measure the distance between 2 nodes :


  1. Select the Measure tool
  2. Select the first node
  3. Select the second node with CTRL pressed
  4. The distances appear on the left panel

You can continue to select other nodes (with CTRL pressed), only the 2 last ones will be taken in account.

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
DX Distance on global X m ft
DY Distance on global Y m ft
DZ Distance on global Z m ft
Distance Distance between the 2 nodes m ft

The Selection mode is automatically set to POINT when clicking the Measure button.

5. Node coordinates


Click on the Node coordinates button :


The Data panel shows the global coordinates X, Y, Z for each node.

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
Node name Text or number - -
X X global coordinate m ft
Y Y global coordinate m ft
Z Z global coordinate m ft

The Selection mode is automatically set to POINT


  1. Select a node in the model (1) will highlight the corresponding row in the data list (2) :


  1. Select a row in the data list (1) will highlight the corresponding node in the model (2) :


The data are not editable

6. Elements

Click on the Elements button :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Element type - -
Node1 name - -
Node2 name - -
DX m ft
DY m ft
DZ m ft
Length m ft
Diameter mm in
Thickness mm in
Operating density - -
Test density - -

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The data are not editable

7. Sections

Click on the Sections button :


The piping elements are colorized in the color of their corresponding section.


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Section color - -
Name - -
Diameter mm in
Thickness mm in
Linear mass kg/m lb/ft
Inside diameter mm in
Operating density - -
Test density - -
Insulation thickness mm in
Corrosion mm in
Erosion mm in
Mill tolerance mm in
Quality factor - -
Ovalization ratio - -
Liner thickness mm in
Topcoat thikness mm in
Special thickness mm in
Bend thickness mm in
Description - -

The data are not editable

8. Materials

Click on the Materials button :


The piping elements are colorized in the color of their corresponding material.

Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Material color - -
Name - -
Ref temperature °C °F
Max temperature °C °F
Thermal expansion option - -
Density kg/m³ lb/ft³
Poisson - -
Description - -

The data are not editable

9. Restraints

Click on the Restraints button :


The Data panel shows the Restraint type and the Level for each restraint.

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The label and modified Spring Constants are shown :


The data are not editable

10. Tees

Click on the Tees button :


Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
TN Branch connections and lateral connections reinforcement thickness mm in
RP Branch Outer Radius mm in
PD Pad thickness for reinforced fabricated tees mm in
R2 Branch-to-run fillet radius mm in
RX Transition radius mm in
Angle Angle header/branch ° °
L1 Branch reinforcement length mm in

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The data are not editable

11. End conditions

Click on the End conditions button :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Color - -
Node name - -
Joint type - -
Mismatch mm in
Fillet length mm in
TMax mm in

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The data are not editable

12. Lumped masses

Click on the Lumped masses button :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Node name - -
Mass ton kips
Description - -

Click here for more information about creation of lumped mass on node.

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The data are not editable

13. Local coordinates

Click on the Local coordinates button :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Node name - -
Xx - -
Xy - -
Xz - -
Zx - -
Zy - -
Zz - -

Click here for more information about creation of local coordinates on node.

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The data are not editable

14. Specifications

Click on the Specifications button :


The data are not editable

Click here for more information about creation of specification.

15. SIF

MetaPiping lets you define Stress Intensification Factors on nodes and elements.

Click on the SIF button :


Property Definition
At Node name The node where the SIF are defined
Af Node name Empty if SIF on all elements (extremities) - otherwise only on the element (extremity) defined by the Af node
Body Yes if SIF on element - Empty if SIF on node

If Body = Yes, Node At and Node Af correspond to the nodes of the element

Click here for more information about creation of Stress Intensification Factors on nodes and elements.

Each piping code has its own factors.

ASME Class 1 B1, C1, K1, B2, C2, K2, C3, CP, K3
ASME Class 2 i, B1, B2, B2’, C2
B31.1 i
B31.1 B31.J ii, io, it, ia, Ii, Io, It, Ia
EN 13480 io, ii
RCCM Class 2 i

The INTERACTIVITY is the same as explained on §5.

The data are not editable

16. Stress On/Off

Click on the Stress On/Off button :


Property Definition
Color Red = stress reporting off - Green = stress reporting on
Element type -
From Element Node1 name
To Element Node2 name
Stress off Yes or empty

Click here for more information about Stress On/Off definition.

The data are not editable

17. Soils

Click on the Soils button :


Click here for more information about soil definition.

The data are not editable

18. Piping codes

Click on the Piping codes button :


Click here for more information about piping code definition.

The data are not editable

19. Installation temperatures

Click on the Installation temperatures button :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Color - -
Installation temperature °C °F

Click here for more information about installation temperature definition.

The data are not editable

20. Design conditions

Click on the Design conditions button :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Color - -
Design conditions (Temperature // Pressure) °C // N/mm² °F // lb/in²

Click here for more information about design condition definition.

The data are not editable