1. Restraint
Restraint is the base class for all restraints.
Name | Return | Description |
Node | Node | Restrained node |
Level | string | Level (for seismic analysis) |
AttachedElement | Element | Element attached to restraint (for local axes - see LCS) |
LCS | CoordinateSystem | Coordinate system used for restraint directions |
Label | string | Label |
LayerID | int | Layer number |
The type CoordinateSystem is an enumeration with the following values:
Value | Description |
Global | Global coordinate system |
LocalToConnectedElement | Local coordinate system of the adjacent element |
LocalToPrecedingElement | Local coordinate system of the preceding element |
LocalToFollowingElement | Local coordinate system of the following element |
Local | Local coordinate system specified at restrained node |
2. AxialRestraint
AxialRestraint is an abstract class that inherits from Restraint. Every AxialRestraint object has the properties of Restraint.
Name | Return | Description |
Stiffness | float | Stiffness |
Direction | Vector3D | Restrained direction |
3. LinearRestraint
LinearRestraint inherits from AxialRestraint. It represents linear axial restraints.
Name | Return | Description |
Type | LinearRestraintType | Type of restraint |
The type LinearRestraintType is an enumeration with the following values:
Value | Description |
Translational | Translational |
Rotational | Rotational |
Snubber | Snubber |
4. SpringHanger
Branch inherits from AxialRestraint.
Name | Return | Description |
Force | float | Type of restraint |
PinnedCase | PinnedCase | Pinned case option |
The type PinnedCase is an enumeration with the following values:
Value | Description |
Design | Pinned for design weight analysis |
DesignAndTest | Pinned for design weight and test weight analyses |
DesignAndEmpty | Pinned for design weight and empty weight analyses |
5. MultiRestraint
MultiRestraint inherits from Restraint.
Name | Return | Description |
Kx | float | Stiffness along X: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid |
Ky | float | Stiffness along Y: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid |
Kz | float | Stiffness along Z: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid |
Krx | float | Stiffness around X: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid |
Kry | float | Stiffness around Y: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid |
Krz | float | Stiffness around Z: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid |
6. Anchor
Anchor inherits from Restraint.
Name | Return | Description |
Kx | float | Stiffness along X |
Ky | float | Stiffness along Y |
Kz | float | Stiffness along Z |
Krx | float | Stiffness around X |
Kry | float | Stiffness around Y |
Krz | float | Stiffness around Z |