1. Restraint

Restraint is the base class for all restraints.


Name Return Description
Node Node Restrained node
Level string Level (for seismic analysis)
AttachedElement Element Element attached to restraint (for local axes - see LCS)
LCS CoordinateSystem Coordinate system used for restraint directions
Label string Label
LayerID int Layer number

The type CoordinateSystem is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
Global Global coordinate system
LocalToConnectedElement Local coordinate system of the adjacent element
LocalToPrecedingElement Local coordinate system of the preceding element
LocalToFollowingElement Local coordinate system of the following element
Local Local coordinate system specified at restrained node

2. AxialRestraint

AxialRestraint is an abstract class that inherits from Restraint. Every AxialRestraint object has the properties of Restraint.


Name Return Description
Stiffness float Stiffness
Direction Vector3D Restrained direction

3. LinearRestraint

LinearRestraint inherits from AxialRestraint. It represents linear axial restraints.


Name Return Description
Type LinearRestraintType Type of restraint

The type LinearRestraintType is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
Translational Translational
Rotational Rotational
Snubber Snubber

4. SpringHanger

Branch inherits from AxialRestraint.


Name Return Description
Force float Type of restraint
PinnedCase PinnedCase Pinned case option

The type PinnedCase is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
Design Pinned for design weight analysis
DesignAndTest Pinned for design weight and test weight analyses
DesignAndEmpty Pinned for design weight and empty weight analyses

5. MultiRestraint

MultiRestraint inherits from Restraint.


Name Return Description
Kx float Stiffness along X: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid
Ky float Stiffness along Y: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid
Kz float Stiffness along Z: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid
Krx float Stiffness around X: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid
Kry float Stiffness around Y: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid
Krz float Stiffness around Z: 0 if free, > 0 if rigid

6. Anchor

Anchor inherits from Restraint.


Name Return Description
Kx float Stiffness along X
Ky float Stiffness along Y
Kz float Stiffness along Z
Krx float Stiffness around X
Kry float Stiffness around Y
Krz float Stiffness around Z