Thermal cases (Class 1 only)

This case consists of the definition of TRANSIENTS that describes the evolution of the fluid
temperature (*) during time inside the pipes. Additional stresses will result from the 
temperature gradients.
(*) also absolute pressure, flow rate, state or film coefficient.

When selecting Thermal cases, all existing thermal cases are listed in the combobox :


The cases appear with their Case number + Title.

When editing, the definition window shows up :

1. General


Enter a Case number and a Title.

2. Default transient

If defined, all elements of the model will use the same default transient :


See §5. for more information about edition of a transient.

3. Data panel

Click on the Transient button (1) to define transient to elements :


A right panel can be opened by clicking on the top button (2). It presents the elements with the same transient (1 color for each transient).

Click on the same button to hide the panel.

Select one or more element (3) to define a Transient (instead of the default one).

Click here for more information about the selection tool.

4. Left panel

The main properties of the selected transient (or the default one of the thermal case) are shown on the left panel :


Select the graph type (1) :

  • Evolution of the temperature of the fluid during time
  • Evolution of the absolute pressure of the fluid during time
  • Evolution of the flow rate of the fluid during time
  • Evolution of the state of the fluid during time

Click on the Edit button (2) to modify the current transient.

See §5. for more information about edition of a transient.

Other properties (not editable) :

Property Unit Metric Unit USA Remark
Max temperature variation °C °F If blank, MetaPiping use the default value
Outside temperature °C °F Temperature outside pipe
Outside film coefficient kJ/hr/m²/°C btu/hr/ft²/°F External heat exchange coefficient
Pipe conductivity kJ/hr/m/°C btu/hr/ft/°F If blank, MetaPiping uses the value entered in the material definition
Pipe diffusivity mm²/s ft²/hr If blank, MetaPiping uses the value entered in the material definition
Pipe room expansion coefficient 10^°C 10^°F Pipe thermal expansion coefficient at 21°C. If blank, MetaPiping uses the value entered in the material definition
To know the UNIT of a property, just move the mouse over the cells. 

Click on the Apply button to define the current transient to selected elements.

Click on the Remove button to remove the current transient and reaffect the Default transient to selected elements.

5. Transient definition

To define a Transient, first select the type (1) :

  • Water transient
  • Fluid film coefficient


5.1 Definition

Enter the values of the graphes (2). The first time step must be 0.

Click on the + button to add a row. Click on the - button to remove a row.

For each row, define the properties :

Water transient :

Property Unit Metric Unit USA Remark
Time s s  
Time step s s Informative
Temperature °C °F  
Absolute pressure N/mm² psi  
Flow rate liters/min gallons/min  
State - - 1 for Water, 2 for Steam

Fluid film coefficient :

Property Unit Metric Unit USA Remark
Time s s  
Temperature °C °F  
Film coefficient kJ/hr/m²/°C btu/hr/ft²/°F  

Tip : for blank values, MetaPiping will make linear interpolations.

5.2 Properties

Enter other properties :


Property Unit Metric Unit USA Remark
Max temperature variation °C °F If blank, MetaPiping use the default value
Outside temperature °C °F Temperature outside pipe
Outside film coefficient kJ/hr/m²/°C btu/hr/ft²/°F External heat exchange coefficient
Pipe conductivity kJ/hr/m/°C btu/hr/ft/°F If blank, MetaPiping uses the material property
Pipe diffusivity mm²/s ft²/hr If blank, MetaPiping uses the material property
Pipe room expansion coefficient 10^°C 10^°F Pipe thermal expansion coefficient at 21°C. If blank, MetaPiping use the material property
To know the UNIT of a property, just move the mouse over the cells.

5.3 Curve type

Select the curve type in the list (3) :
