Sample 2 : Send an email
1. Goal
Create a script that will (after pressing RUN button) send an email to a fixed recipient with a SUBJECT defined by the user and a DATE coming from Sample1.
2. Script definition
From the Home/Python, click on button 1 (Add project script) :
Give it the name “Send SUBJECT and DATE by email”.
You need to create a virtual environment :
3. Script properties
Add 1 EDIT input, 1 TEXT input and 1 TEXT output :
Don’t forget to save !
The EDIT is for the SUBJECT
The TEXT is for the date with a connection to script “Click at each stage of the project”
Copy/paste this code in the Editor :
study.Outputs[0] = study.Inputs[0] + " - " + study.Inputs[1] + " must be sent by email"
study.Inputs[0] take the text that user write in the EDIT.
study.Inputs[1] take the text coming from a connection.
Save it !
5. Result
When you add this script in a current study, write a SUBJECT, connect a DATE to the second input text and after a click on the RUN button :
6. Add a new script for email
To send an email, we will use flask_mail library from pip.
6.1 requirements.txt
Add flask_mail in requirements.txt, save and install it from the three points button.
This may take a few minutes…
This window will appears :
If you don’t see this window, it means that the library has not been correctly installed. Close the application and reinstall requirements.txt.
6.2 file explorer
Add a new python file and name it from the three points button.
Use name that don’t exists in Python. In this example, if you choose the name, it would not work !
Select the file.
Copy/paste this code in the Editor :
import os
from flask import Flask
from flask_mail import Mail, Message
import mimetypes
MAIL_SERVER = '' # To be completed by user
MAIL_PORT = 0 # To be completed by user
MAIL_USE_TLS = False # To be completed by user
MAIL_USE_SSL = True # To be completed by user
MAIL_USERNAME = '' # To be completed by user
MAIL_PASSWORD = '' # To be completed by user
MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '' # To be completed by user
MAIL_SENDER = '' # To be completed by user
def send_email(to_email, subject, body, attachement = None):
mail = Mail()
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MAIL_PORT'] = MAIL_PORT
app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS'] = MAIL_USE_TLS
app.config['MAIL_USE_SSL'] = MAIL_USE_SSL
msg = Message(subject,
sender = MAIL_SENDER,
recipients = [to_email])
msg.body = body
if attachement != None:
mime = mimetypes.guess_type(attachement)
filename = os.path.basename(attachement)
with open(attachement,'rb') as f:
msg.attach(filename=filename, content_type=mime[0],, disposition=None, headers=None)
with app.app_context():
Complete it with your email server data and save it !
Select the file.
Copy/paste this code in the Editor and change the email to another destination :
from MyEmail import send_email
send_email(to_email='', subject=study.Inputs[0], body=study.Inputs[1])
study.Outputs[0] = 'Email sent !'
Save it !
7. New result
After a click on the RUN button :
And in the email box :