
A custom command is simply a list of MetaPiping existing commands.

1. Creation

A CustomCommand object can only be created by design object via createCommand method :

# Python script
cmd = design.createCommand("MyCommand1")
# ...

The CustomCommand must be defined by a unique name (first param of the createCommand method).

See the description of the object design

2. Properties

Name Return Description
addSubCommand bool Add an existing command by a name and command params (array)

Example :

We want to remove the selected objects. First, create an empty array, add the selectedList from design object. Then add the name of the remove command and the params to the CustomCommand

# Python script
params = []
valid = cmd.addSubCommand("RemoveElementCommand", params)

Every command has its own param list !

Return False if the command name doesn’t exists or the params are incorrect.

3. Execution

Finally, a CustomCommand (cmd in the example) can be executed by design object via executeCommand method:

# Python script
# ...

4. Common objects

Two general objects control all properties of current tee, current material, current section, current bend radius…

- CurrentTeeValues
- CurrentPipingValues

You can set the wanted properties before creating a command and share these properties for all commands.

To use these objects, you need to import the classes in your Python script :

# Python script
from Cwantic.MetaPiping.Core import CurrentPipingValues, CurrentTeeValues

4.1 CurrentTeeValues

If you need to create a tee, you can create a CurrentTeeValues object and initialize its properties :

# Python script
from Cwantic.MetaPiping.Core import CurrentTeeValues


currentTeeValues = CurrentTeeValues()
currentTeeValues.Type = TeeType.BranchConnection
currentTeeValues.TN = 4.2
currentTeeValues.CollectorSize = 0.1429
currentTeeValues.BranchSize = 0.1429

If you don’t need to create a tee but need to have a CurrentTeeValues for the command, just create an empty object :

# Python script
currentTeeValues = CurrentTeeValues()

According to the type of tee, only several properties must be set.


Name Type Description Unit Default value
Type TeeType Type of tee - BranchConnection (see below)
TN float Branch pipe wall thickness Diameter 0
RP float Branch Outer Radius Diameter 0
PD float Pad Thickness for Reinforced Fabricated Tees Diameter 0
R2 float Branch-to-run Fillet Radius Diameter 0
RX float Transition Radius Diameter 0
Angle float Angle between run and branch Degree 0
CollectorSize float Length of run Length 0.3
BranchSize float Length of branch Length 0.3

See Units for explanation of Length and Diameter units.

The type TeeType is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
BranchConnection Branch connection
WeldingTee Butt welding tee
NonStandard Junction of elements
Fabricated Reinforced or un-reinforced fabricated tee
SweepoletFlush Bonney Forge Sweepolet® (flush welded)
SweepoletAsWelded Bonney Forge Sweepolet® (as welded)
Weldolet Bonney Forge Weldolet®
ExtrudedOutlet Extruded Outlet or Extruded welding tee
WeldedInContourInsert Welded-in contour insert
BranchWeldedOnFitting Branch welded-on fitting
Lateral Piping lateral connection per WRC Bulletin 360
PartialPenetration Branch connection with partial penetration welds or fillet welds

See an example of creation of a CurrentTeeValues.

4.2 CurrentPipingValues

The CurrentPipingValues object contains all properties needed for piping element as layer, material, section, bend radius…

The easiest way to create a CurrentPipingValues object is to get the current one from design:

# Python script
from Cwantic.MetaPiping.Core import CurrentPipingValues

currentPipingValues = design.getCurrentPipingValues()

More properties can be explained on demand…

5. Commands

5.1 DrawPipingCommand

Param Type Description
Node1 Node First extremity of the pipe - cannot be None
Node2 Node Second extremity of the pipe - can be None
DX Float Distance along X axis of end point from Node1
DY Float Distance along Y axis of end point from Node1
DZ Float Distance along Z axis of end point from Node1
LocalX Float X component of local X axis
LocalY Float Y component of local X axis
LocalZ Float Z component of local X axis
PipingValues CurrentPipingValues Current piping properties (see §4.2)

Rem : LocalX, LocalY, LocalZ can be set to (0, 0, 0)

Imagine a customCommand cmd, a first node N1, a second node N2, a size of pipe (float), a direction (Vector3D), a currentPipingValues, here is how to create a pipe :

# Python script
params = []

valid = cmd.addSubCommand("DrawPipingCommand", params)

You can also write the command in this way :

# Python script
valid = cmd.addSubCommand("DrawPipingCommand", [N1, N2, size*dir[0], size*dir[1], size*dir[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, currentPipingValues])

5.2 RemoveElementCommand

Param Type Description
Elements Array Array of element

See Element for more information.

Imagine a customCommand cmd and elements in selection, here is how to remove these elements :

# Python script
params = []

valid = cmd.addSubCommand("RemoveElementCommand", params)

You can also write the command in this way :

# Python script
valid = cmd.addSubCommand("RemoveElementCommand", [design.selectedList])

5.3 Other commands

Other commands can be explained on demand…

5.4 Example

Click here for a complete example using custom commands : Create a loop.