
A rigid is a straight element sufficiently stiff to rigidly transmit all deflections and rotations.


When you click on the Add rigid button without selection, the left panel shows a message :


The selection mode is automatically set to POINT. You can so directly select a node.

1. Create a rigid

  • Select a node.
  • Click the Add rigid button.


Property Unit Metric Unit USA
Length m ft
Mass ton kips

The length must be defined by the orientation tool.

Click here for more information about the orientation tool.

Set the default material of the rigid.

You can define the Local X-axis vector by defining Xx, Xy, Xz in global coordinates.

You can then define the second point of the rigid thanks to the Orientation tool.

Create the rigid (represented by a black line) :


You can undo this command.

2. Modify/Remove a rigid

A rigid can also be used to simulate an eccentricity between beams.


Select a rigid, change some properties and click on the Modify button or delete it by clicking the Remove button.

You can undo this command.