1. Element

Element is the base class for all elements.


Name Return Description
Node1 Node Start node
Node2 Node End node
DL Vector3D DL.X, DL.Y and DL.Z are the coordinate changes from Node1 to Node2 in the global coordinate system
Material Material Material
RoomTemperature float Installation temperature. If null, same as the room temperature specified for the model
XDir Vector3D Local X’ axis. If (0,0,0), the default local axes are used
Label string Label
LayerID int Layer number
Diameter float Element cross size (for graphics). Same as section outside diameter for Piping elements
Mass float Mass. The meaning depends on MassModel
MassModel MassModel Mass modeling option

The type MassModel is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
AtEnd Mass is a lumped mass located at the end node
AtStart Mass is a lumped mass located at the start node
HalfAtBoth Mass is a lumped mass divided between both nodes
LinearAtBoth Mass is a linear mass. The total mass (Mass x element length) is lumped at both nodes
LinearAtEnd Mass is a linear mass. The total mass (Mass x element length) is lumped at the end node
Linear Mass is a linear mass
Density Mass is a density (for Beam elements only)

2. Piping

Piping is an abstract class that inherits from Element (see § 1). Every Piping object has the properties of Element.


Name Return Description
Section PipeSection Pipe section
LongWeldType LongWeldType Longitudinal weld type
LongWeldMismatch float Longitudinal weld mismatch
DesignCondition OperatingCondition Design condition. If null, same as general design condition of the model
PipingCode PipingCode Piping code. If null, same as general piping code of the model
StresOff bool True if stress calculation is disabled
ThicknessFactor float Thickness factor
OutsideDiameter float Outside diameter
InsideDiameter float Inside diameter
Thickness float Thickness
ContentDiameter float Inside diameter for calculation of fluid weight

The type LongWeldType is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
None No weld
ButtWeldFlush Butt weld, flush
ButtWeldAsWelded Butt weld, as welded

3. Pipe

Pipe inherits from Piping. It represents straight pipes.


Name Return Description
NbDivisions int Number of subdivisions for analysis

4. Branch

Branch inherits from Piping. It is a fictitious element generated during the analysis that connects the tee center point to the run surface.


No additional properties.

5. Bend

Bend inherits from Piping. It represents elbows and miter bends.


Name Return Description
Miter bool True if miter bend
DL1 Vector3D First tangent vector
DL2 Vector3D Second tangent vector
Node3 Node Intersection node
Radius float Geometrical radius
Angle float Angle (in radians)
NbDivisions int Number of subdivisions for analysis (elbow) or number of miter cuts (miter bend)
Spacing float Miter spacing at center line
NbFlanges int Number of attached flanges
UserFlex float User-defined flexibility factor

6. Reducer

Reducer inherits from Piping.


Name Return Description
Section2 PipeSection Section at end node
Angle float Cone angle (in dgrees)
L12 float Minimum tangent L1, L2 (Class 1 and B31J)
R12 float Minimum radius r1, r2 (Class 1 and B31J)

7. Valve

Valve inherits from Piping.


Name Return Description
Type ValveType Type of valve
PB Node Node at valve midpoint. Null if no midpoint
PC Node Node at end of valve stem. Null if no stem
BL Vector3D Midpoint to stem offset
IsStemEmpty bool True if the stem is empty

The type ValveType is an enumeration used for graphics. It has the following values:

Value Description
Valve Valve is represented depending on PB and PC
ToCenter Valve end to center
FromCenter Center to valve end
Stem Center to stem

8. Flange

Flange inherits from Piping.


Name Return Description
FDiameter float Outside diameter
FThickness float Thickness

9. Socket

Socket inherits from Piping.


No additional properties.

10. Structural

Structural inherits from Piping.


No additional properties.

11. Structural

Structural inherits from Piping.


No additional properties.

12. Rigid

Rigid inherits from Element.


No additional properties.

13. Spring

Spring inherits from Element.


Name Return Description
ZDir Vector3D Local Z’ direction. Only used if spring length is zero
Kx float Translation stiffness along X’
Ky float Translation stiffness along Y’
Kz float Translation stiffness along Z’
Krx float Rotation stiffness around X’
Kry float Rotation stiffness around Y’
Krz float Rotation stiffness around Z’

14. Matrix

Matrix inherits from Element.


Name Return Description
ZDir Vector3D Local Z’ direction
Stiffness SquareMatrix Stiffness matrix

SquareMatrix represents a 6x6 symmetrical matrix.

15. Bellow

Bellow inherits from Piping.


Name Return Description
Type BellowType Type of bellow
SA float Axial stiffness
SL float Lateral stiffness
SB float Angular stiffness
ST float Torsional stiffness
A float Pressure thrust area

The type BellowType is an enumeration with the following values:

Value Description
Axial Axial
LateralSingle Lateral in X’Z’ plane
LateralAll lateral in all planes
AngularSingle Angular in X’Z’ plane
AngularAll Angular in all planes

16. Beam

Beam inherits from Element.


Name Return Description
Section BeamSection Section
E float Young modulus
NbDivisions int Number of subdivisions