

MetaPiping and MetaStructure can generate reports with all the details of the model input, some review pictures and all results of an analysis.

The report is exclusively based on *.docx file.

ATTENTION, it is mandatory that Microsoft Word must be installed on user computer !

A report is based on an empty template (*.docx) that contains keywords.

A keyword is associated to a section described in a table document (*.docx).

User can prepare template document and table document and then import them in the software (the first one in the template section, the second in the table section) as shown in the upper figure.

ATTENTION, the documents are copied in the settings. The original word files are not moved nor modified.

1. Keyword mechanism

The keyword is useful to make a correspondence between the template and the table document but with specific decorators :

$$keyword$$ for the template
[keyword] for the table

Example :

Keyword Template keyword Table keyword

A digit is authorized after a keyword [0..9] to enlarge the possibilities.

Example :

Keyword Template keyword Table keyword

If the software encounters the keyword $$MATERIALS3$$ in the template, it will know that it corresponds to the internal keyword MATERIALS and will try to find the section in the table document with the keyword [MATERIAL3]. If succeed, it will insert the content of the table at the position of the template keyword and fill all materials.

ATTENTION, the keyword must be written in CAPITAL letters.

2. Template

A template is a Word *.docx file with user defined layout and content.

MetaPiping/MetaStructure let you insert datas from the current study inside the template at a certain position in the document via keywords.

2.2 Keywords

Keyword Module(s) Description Other possible keyword or remark
STUDY NAME MetaPiping/MetaStructure/Finite element analysis The name of the current study No table
PICTURE MetaPiping/MetaStructure/Finite element analysis Take a picture (§2.3) No table
SECTIONS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all sections CROSS SECTION
MATERIALS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all materials  
NODES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all nodes NODES INPUT
ELEMENTS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all elements ELEMENTS INPUT
ELEMENT COORDINATE SYSTEMS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all elements with non default CS  
NODE COORDINATE SYSTEMS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all DLCS  
LUMPED MASSES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all lumped masses  
SUPPORTS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all restraints SUPPORT
STATIC CASES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all static cases  
EXTERNAL CASES MetaStructure The list of all external cases from linked studies
FORCES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all nodal load forces also the external forces (linked study)
MOVEMENTS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all restraint movements DISPLACEMENTS
OPERATING CONDITIONS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all operating conditions TEMPERATURE & PRESSURE
DISTRIBUTED FORCES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all distributed forces  
WIND MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all wind forces  
SNOW MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all snow forces  
ACCELERATIONS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all static accelerations  
DENSITIES MetaPiping The list of all content densities  
STRATIFICATIONS MetaPiping The list of all stratifications  
COLD SPRINGS MetaPiping The list of all cold springs  
TRANSIENTS MetaPiping The list of all transients  
LOAD SETS MetaPiping The list of all load sets  
SPECTRA MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all spectra  
DYNAMIC EVENTS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all dynamic node loads  
DYNAMIC CASES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all dynamic cases  
PRIMARY RESPONSE MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all primary cases  
SECONDARY RESPONSE MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all secondary cases  
COMBINATION CASES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all combination cases  
COMBINED STRESS CASES MetaPiping The list of all combined stress cases  
RDISPLACEMENTS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all displacement results Possible JSON parameters (see §3)
RFORCES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all force and moment results Possible JSON parameters (see §3)
REACTIONS MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all reaction results Possible JSON parameters (see §3)
STRESSES MetaPiping/MetaStructure The list of all stress results Possible JSON parameters (see §3)
ANCHOR PLATES MetaStructure The list of all anchor plate results  
JOINTS MetaStructure The list of all joint results  
ANCHORS RESULTS Finite element analysis The list of all fastener results  
MESH RESULTS Finite element analysis The list of all mesh results  
ANALYSIS NAME Finite element analysis The name of the current analysis No table
CONFIGURATION NAME Finite element analysis The name of the current configuration No table
HEIGHT Finite element analysis The height of the current assembly No table
MESH SIZE Finite element analysis The meshing size No table
IDNODE Finite element analysis The name of the current node No table
LOADCASE Finite element analysis The current load case No table
STATIC EQUILIBRIUM Finite element analysis The static equilibrium value No table
DISPLACEMENT MAX Finite element analysis The displacement max No table
STRESS MAX Finite element analysis The stress max No table
STRAIN MAX Finite element analysis The strain max No table
FASTENER RATIO MAX Finite element analysis The max ratio on all fasteners No table

2.3 Pictures

It is possible to include pictures in the report with use of the keyword PICTURE.

When the software encounters this keyword, it simply makes a screenshot of the 3D engine.

It is possible to change the kind of visualization via a JSON structure just after the keyword separated by a semicolon character :


2.3.1 Piping & structure parameters

JSON parameters :

Parameter Description Default value
Layers An array of visible layer name Empty list = all layers will be visible
View Orientation of the camera 39 (= FrontFaceTopLeft - see below)
Mode Display mode 0 (= Shaded - see below)
Type Ribbon type 0 (= Conception - see below)
ReviewType Review category 0 (= Sections - see below)
ResultType Result category 0 (= Displacements - see below)
LoadCase Index of mode or load case in the list -1
Factor Amplification factor of the displacements 1
StressIndex Index in possible stress list 0
StressMax 1 = show the max stress colorisation 0
ShowNodes 1 = show node point and name 0
ShowOrigin 1 = show origin 0
ShowAxis 1 = show axis 0

No parameter is mandatory. If a parameter is not specified, its default value will be used.

View values :

    Front                   = 0
    Right                   = 1
    Rear                    = 2
    Left                    = 3
    Top                     = 4
    Bottom                  = 5
    Isometric               = 6
    Dimetric                = 7
    FrontFaceLeft           = 12
    RightFaceBottom         = 13
    RightFaceRight          = 14
    RightFaceTop            = 15
    RightFaceLeft           = 16
    BackFaceBottom          = 17
    BackFaceRight           = 18
    BackFaceTop             = 19
    BackFaceLeft            = 20
    LeftFaceBottom          = 21
    LeftFaceRight           = 22
    LeftFaceTop             = 23
    LeftFaceLeft            = 24
    BottomFaceBottom        = 25
    BottomFaceRight         = 26
    BottomFaceTop           = 27
    BottomFaceLeft          = 28
    TopFaceBottom           = 29
    TopFaceRight            = 30
    TopFaceTop              = 31
    TopFaceLeft             = 32
    FrontFaceBottomLeft     = 33
    FrontFaceBottomRight    = 34
    FrontFaceTopLeft        = 35
    FrontFaceTopRight       = 36
    BackFaceBottomLeft      = 37
    BackFaceBottomRight     = 38
    BackFaceTopLeft         = 39
    BackFaceTopRight        = 40

Mode values :

    Shaded = 0
    Hiddenlines = 1
    Iso = 2

Type values :

    Conception  = 0
    Loads       = 10
    Review      = 20
    Analysis    = 30

Review type values :

    Sections = 0
    Materials = 10
    Specifications = 20
    StressOff = 30
    Soils = 40
    Codes = 50
    RoomTemperatures = 60
    DesignConditions = 70

Result type values :

    None = -1
    Displacements = 0
    Reactions = 1
    Forces = 2
    RestraintForces = 3
    Stresses = 4
    Anchors = 5
    Joints = 6



2.3.2 Finite element analysis parameters

JSON parameters :

Parameter Description Default value
Groups An array of visible group name Empty list = all groups will be visible
View Orientation of the camera 35 (= FrontFaceTopLeft - see above)
ResultType Result category 0 (= Group - see below)
Factor Amplification factor of the displacements 1
Dim 1 = show dimensions 1

Result type values :

    Group = 0
    Displacement = 1
    Stress = 2
    Strain = 3
    Compression = 4
    IsoDisplacement = 5
    IsoStress = 6
    IsoStrain = 7
    IsoCompression = 8



3. Results params

For results keywords, it is possible to filter the output via a JSON structure just after the keyword separated by a semicolon character :


JSON parameters :

Parameter Description Default value
Layers An array of visible layer name Empty list = all layers will be visible
Loadcase A loadcase number -1 (all loadcases)
StressIndex A stress index 0 (for stress results only)



This will show a table with all displacements (all layers) for all loadcases.


This will show a table with the displacements of nodes from layer “0” and “1” and only for loadcase 100.

You can combine in your report a picture and a result table :


1) Loadcase 100 - layer 0



This will first show a PICTURE (see §2.3.1) :

Parameter Description
”Type”:30 Analysis screen
”ResultType“:2 Forces
”Layers”:[“0”] Only elements of layer “0”
”LoadCase”:100 Only for loadcase number 100
“View”:35 FrontFaceTopLeft view

…followed by a table :

Parameter Description
”Layers”:[“0”] Only results of elements of layer “0”
”LoadCase”:100 Only for loadcase number 100

4. Table

A table is a Word *.docx file with user defined layout and content based on predefined keyword and structure.

A table can define several keyword content.

The layout of a keyword content is :


The table’s [KEYWORD] corresponds to the template’s $$KEYWORD$$.

Example for $$NODES$$ :


Between the [HEADER] section and the [CONTENT] section, user can define an introduction of the table, a title and table headers and units.

Between the [CONTENT] section and the [FOOTER] section, user can define a one line table (aligned with the header). On each cell, user can define properties. The software will repeat this row with every item of this type and fill the properties.

Between the [FOOTER] section and the [END] section, user can define a conclusion of the table or some remarks.

4.1 Properties

Depending of the type of the keyword, properties are recoverable.

A property is defined between 2 backslashes \XX\

4.1.1 Pipe section

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CD\ Name - -
\AL\ Description - -
\OD\ Diameter mm in
\ID\ Inside diameter mm in
\WT\ Thickness mm in
\IN\ Insulation thickness mm in
\SO\ Operating density - -
\ST\ Test density - -
\MA\ Linear mass kg/m lb/ft
\CO\ Corrosion mm in
\CI\ Erosion mm in
\OV\ Ovalization ratio - -
\LI\ Liner thickness mm in
\TC\ TopCoat thickness mm in
\EM\ Special thickness mm in
\BT Bend thickness mm in

4.1.2 Beam section

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CD\ Name - -
\AL\ Description - -
\H\ Height mm in
\B\ Basis mm in
\TW\ Web thickness mm in
\TF\ Flange thickness mm in
\IX\ Bending inertia X cm^4 in^4
\IY\ Bending inertia Y cm^4 in^4
\IT\ Torsional inertia cm^4 in^4
\A\ Area cm² in²
\AX\ Reduced area X cm² in²
\AY\ Reduced area Y cm² in²

4.1.3 Regular material

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CD\ Name - -
\AL\ Description - -
\SG\ Poisson’s ratio - -
\TX\ Temperature max °C °F
\TA\ Temperature ref °C °F
\RO\ Density kg/m³ lb/ft³
\TE\ Temperature i °C °F
\EX\ Thermal Expansion 10^°C 10^°F
\EH\ Modulus of Elasticity kN/mm² 10^6.psi
\SH\ Non-Class 1 Allowable Stress N/mm² ksi
\SY\ Yield Stress N/mm² ksi
\SU\ Ultimate Tensile Stress N/mm² ksi
\SM\ Class 1 Allowable Stress N/mm² ksi
\CR\ Creep N/mm² ksi
\GH\ Shear Modulus kN/mm² 10^6.psi
\CO\ Class 1 Thermal Conductivity kJ/hr/m/°C btu/hr/ft/°F
\DI\ Class 1 Thermal Diffusivity mm²/s ft²/hr
\E2\ Modulus of Elasticity 2 kN/mm² 10^6.psi

4.1.4 Node

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Name - -
\X\ X global coordinate m ft
\Y\ Y global coordinate m ft
\Z\ Z global coordinate m ft
\JT\ Joint type (see below) - -
\MM\ Mismatch for welded joints mm in
\CX\ Length of fillet weld Cx mm in
\TM\ for Class 1 transition within 1:3 slope envelope mm in

Joint type values :

    None = 0
    // For steel
    ButtWeldFlush = 1
    ButtWeldAsWelded = 2
    FilletWeld = 3
    CappedEnd = 4
    FullFilletWeld = 6
    TaperedFlush = 11
    TaperedAsWelded = 12
    Threaded = 13
    Brazed = 14
    OneThirdSlopeFlush = 15
    OneThirdSlopeAsWelded = 16
    LapFlange = 18
    DoubleWeldSlipOnFlange = 19
    SingleWeldSlipOnFlange = 20
    // For composite
    AdhesiveBonded = 101
    AdhesiveBondedWithOverlay = 102
    GasketWithOverlay = 103
    ButtAndStrap = 104
    // For HDPE
    ConcentricFabricatedReducer = 201
    ThrustCollar = 202
    ElectrofusionCoupling = 203

4.1.5 Element

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\LE\ Length m ft
\RA\ Bend radius (only for bend) m ft
\MA\ Material description - -
\AL\ Label - -
\XX\ X-axis direction on X - -
\XY\ X-axis direction on Y - -
\XZ\ X-axis direction on Z - -
\CS\ Section description - -
\CL\ Piping code (empty for beam) - -

Special properties for beam :

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\J1\ Joint type on Node 1 (see below) - -
\J2\ Joint type on Node 2 (see below) - -
\BX\ Buckling on X - -
\BY\ Buckling on Y - -
\BZ\ Buckling on Z - -
\LTB\ Lateral Torsional Buckling (see below) - -

Joint type values :

    None = 0
    Joint = 1
    BoltedJoint = 2
    WeldedJoint = 3

Lateral Torsional Buckling values :

    None = 0
    BothHingedUniform = 1
    BothHingedNodal = 2
    BothFixedUniform = 3
    BothFixedNodal = 4
    Moments = 5
    CantileverUniform = 6
    CantileverNodal = 7

4.1.6 DLCS

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\XX\ X-axis direction on X - -
\XY\ X-axis direction on Y - -
\XZ\ X-axis direction on Z - -
\ZX\ Z-axis direction on X - -
\ZY\ Z-axis direction on Y - -
\ZZ\ Z-axis direction on Z - -

4.1.7 Lumped mass

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\X\ X global coordinate m ft
\Y\ Y global coordinate m ft
\Z\ Z global coordinate m ft
\MA\ Mass ton kips

4.1.8 Restraint

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\AL\ Restraint type - -
\LO\ Coordinate system (see below) - -
\LV\ Level - -
\DESCR\ Label - -
\SX\ Translation stiffness on X kN/mm Kips/in
\SY\ Translation stiffness on Y kN/mm Kips/in
\SZ\ Translation stiffness on Z kN/mm Kips/in
\SPX\ Rotation stiffness on X kN.m/rad Kips.ft/rad
\SPY\ Rotation stiffness on Y kN.m/rad Kips.ft/rad
\SPZ\ Translation stiffness on Z kN.m/rad Kips.ft/rad
\FO\ Pre-compression/pre-tension force kN Kips

Coordinate system values :

    G = Global
    L = Local to attached element
    N = Local to node's DLCS

4.1.9 Static case : Forces & moments on node

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\FX\ Force on X kN kips
\FY\ Force on Y kN kips
\FZ\ Force on Z kN kips
\MX\ Moment on X kN.m kips.ft
\MY\ Moment on Y kN.m kips.ft
\MZ\ Moment on Z kN.m kips.ft
\LO\ Local - -

4.1.10 Static case : Restraints movement

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\DX\ Displacement on X mm in
\DY\ Displacement on Y mm in
\DZ\ Displacement on Z mm in
\RX\ Rotation on X rad rad
\RY\ Rotation on Y rad rad
\RZ\ Rotation on Z rad rad

4.1.11 Static case : Distributed loads

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\X\ Load on X N/m lb/ft
\Y\ Load on Y N/m lb/ft
\Z\ Load on Z N/m lb/ft

4.1.12 Static case : Wind loads

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\PR\ Pressure N/m² lb/ft²
\X\ Wind direction on X - -
\Y\ Wind direction on Y - -
\Z\ Wind direction on Z - -

4.1.13 Static case : Snow loads

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\PR\ Pressure N/m² lb/ft²

4.1.14 Static case : Operating conditions

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\TE\ Temperature °C °F
\PR\ Pressure N/m² lb/ft²

4.1.15 Static case : Densities

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\RO\ Density - -

4.1.16 Static case : Stratifications

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\ME\ Stratification method (see below) - -
\AL\ Mean coef. of thermal expansion of pipe 10^-6mm/mm/°C 10^-6in/in/°F
\T1\ Temperature at bottom of the pipe or temp. gradient Gu °C or °C/mm °F or °F/in
\T2\ Temperature at top of the pipe or temp. gradient Gv °C or °C/mm °F or °F/in
\V1\ Vertical coordinate of the discontinuity or laminar flow down mm in
\V2\ Vertical coordinate of the laminar flow up mm in
\X\ X component of the local V vector - -
\Y\ Y component of the local V vector - -
\Z\ Z component of the local V vector - -

Stratification method values :

    HorizontalLinear = 0
    HorizontalStep = 1
    HorizontalLaminar = 2
    HorizontalGu = 3
    Skewed = 4
    General = 5

4.1.17 Static case : Cold springs

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\LE\ Length change mm in

4.1.18 Static case : Accelerations

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\GX\ Fraction of G on X - -
\GY\ Fraction of G on Y - -
\GZ\ Fraction of G on Z - -

4.1.19 Static case

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\TY\ Load category (see below) - -
\LV\ Level - -
\EQ\ Equation (see below) - -
\CF\ Check fasteners (structure only) - -

Category values :

    OperatingWeight = 0
    TestWeight = 1
    EmptyWeight = 2
    DesignWeight = 3
    Wind = 4
    Snow = 5
    Distributed = 6
    Acceleration = 7
    SAM = 8
    Thermal = 9
    Settlement = 10
    ColdSpring = 11
    Dummy = 12
    UserDefined = 13

Equation values :

    None (no stress calculation) = 1
    Equation 6 (sustained) = 2
    Equation 10 B (occasional) = 3
    Equation 10 C (occasional) = 4
    Equation 10 D (occasional) = 5
    Equation 10 T (test) = 6
    Equation 7 (thermal expansion) = 7
    Equation 8 (thermal expansion + sustained) = 8
    Equation 9 (settlement) = s

4.1.20 Time history event : Dynamic forces & moments on node

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\TI\ Event title - -
\FX\ Force on X kN kips
\FY\ Force on Y kN kips
\FZ\ Force on Z kN kips
\MX\ Moment on X kN.m kips.ft
\MY\ Moment on Y kN.m kips.ft
\MZ\ Moment on Z kN.m kips.ft

4.1.21 Time history cases

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\LV\ Level - -
\EQ\ Equation (see above) - -
\EV\ Event number - -
\DA\ Damping value - -
\RC\ Rigid correction - -
\RM\ Resultant moment - -
\ES\ Explicit scheme - -
\TS\ Time step - -
\AR\ Archive rate - -
\CF\ Check fasteners (structure only) - -

4.1.22 Class 1 thermal case : Transients

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node1 name - -
\PT2\ Node2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\TR\ Transient name - -

4.1.23 Class 1 case : Load sets

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TI\ Load title - -
\RF\ Reference case number - -
\SI\ Situation number - -
\TR\ Thermal case number - -
\CY\ Number of cycles - -
\PR\ Pressure case number - -
\MO\ Moment case number - -
\DY\ Dynamic load flag - -

4.1.24 Spectrum

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\EV\ Event number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\NA\ Spectrum name - -
\XA\ Period or frequency - -
\ME\ Interpolation method (see below) - -
\SH\ Shift value % %
\DA\ Damping value - -
\DU\ Duration value s s

Interpolation method values :

    Linear / Linear acceleration = 0
    Linear frequency / Linear acceleration = 1
    Linear period / Linear acceleration = 2
    Log frequency / Linear acceleration = 3
    Log frequency / Log acceleration = 4

4.1.25 Primary floor response cases

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\LV\ Level - -
\EV\ Event number - -
\EQ\ Equation (see above) - -
\IM\ Inter modal combination (see below) - -
\IL\ Inter level combination (see below) - -
\OR\ Order (see below) - -
\RC\ Rigid correction (see below) - -
\X\ X factor - -
\Y\ Y factor - -
\Z\ Z factor - -
\CF\ Check fasteners (structure only) - -

Inter modal combination values :

    Grouping = 1
    Ten percent = 2
    Double sum = 3
    SRSS = 4
    All coupling = 5
    Rosenblueth = 6
    Der Kiureghian = 7

Inter level combination values :

    Absolute without phase = 0
    SRSS without phase = 1
    Algebraic = 2
    Absolute with phase = 3
    SRSS with phase = 4
    Envelope = 5
    SRSS with counterphase = 6

Order values :

    Interlevel / Intermodal / Interspatial = 0
    Interlevel / Interspatial / Intermodal = 1
    Intermodal / Interlevel / Interspatial = 2

Rigid correction values :

    SRSS = 0
    None = 1
    Absolute = 2
    SRSS with modal = 3
    Gupta = 4
    Lindley-Yow = 5

4.1.26 Secondary floor response cases

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\LV\ Level - -
\EV\ Event number - -
\EQ\ Equation (see above) - -
\ME\ Method of combination (see below) - -
\TP\ Treat as primary - -
\X\ X factor - -
\Y\ Y factor - -
\Z\ Z factor - -
\CF\ Check fasteners (structure only) - -

Combination method values :

    Absolute = 0
    SRSS = 1

4.1.27 Combination cases

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\RF\ Reference case number - -
\LV\ Level - -
\EQ\ Equation (see above) - -
\ME\ Method of combination (see below) - -
\DY\ Dynamic load flag - -
\CY\ Number of cycles - -
\TY\ Analysis type - -
\C1\ factor(i) x case(i) - -
\CF\ Check fasteners (structure only) - -

Combination method values :

    Algebraic = 0
    Absolute = 1
    SRSS = 2
    Seismic = 3
    MaxAbsolute = 4
    MaxResultant = 5
    MaxAlgebraic = 6
    MinAlgebraic = 7
    Range = 8
    MomentRange = 9
    StressRange = 10

4.1.28 Combination stress cases

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\RF\ Reference case number - -
\LV\ Level - -
\EQ\ Equation (see above) - -
\ME\ Method of combination (see above) - -
\MU\ Allowable multiplier - -
\MA\ factor x sustained load case - -
\MB\ factor x occasional load case - -
\MC\ factor x thermal load case - -

4.1.29 External cases

Property Description
\CA\ Load number
\TI\ Load title
\SN\ External study name
\LC\ External study load case number

4.1.30 Results : Displacements

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\DX\ X global displacement mm in
\DY\ Y global displacement mm in
\DZ\ Z global displacement mm in
\RX\ X global rotation Rad Rad
\RY\ Y global rotation Rad Rad
\RZ\ Z global rotation Rad Rad

4.1.31 Results : Forces & moments on element’s nodes

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT\ Node extremity name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\FX\ Force on X N lb
\FY\ Force on Y N lb
\FZ\ Force on Z N lb
\MX\ Moment on X N.m lb.ft
\MY\ Moment on Y N.m lb.ft
\MZ\ Moment on Z N.m lb.ft

4.1.32 Results : Reactions on restraint’s node

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\FX\ Force on X N lb
\FY\ Force on Y N lb
\FZ\ Force on Z N lb
\MX\ Moment on X N.m lb.ft
\MY\ Moment on Y N.m lb.ft
\MZ\ Moment on Z N.m lb.ft

4.1.33 Results : Stresses on elements

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT1\ Node 1 name - -
\PT2\ Node 2 name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\ST\ Stress max N/mm² ksi

4.1.34 Results : Anchor plate max ratios

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\PT\ Node name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\RA\ Ratio max - -

4.1.35 Results : Beam joint ratios

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\TY\ Type - -
\PT\ Node name - -
\CA\ Load number - -
\TI\ Load title - -
\RA\ Ratio max - -

4.1.36 Results : Finite element analysis fastener report

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\LINE\ Report line(i) - -

4.1.37 Results : Finite element analysis node

Property Description Unit Metric Unit USA
\ID\ Node id - -
\X\ X coordinate mm in
\Y\ Y coordinate mm in
\Z\ Z coordinate mm in
\UX\ X displacement mm in
\UY\ Y displacement mm in
\UZ\ Z displacement mm in
\STRESS\ Stress N/mm² ksi
\STRAIN\ Strain % %
\CO\ Compression N/mm² ksi